When to Use the SpinStage Phono Pre-Amp and When Not To

July 11, 2024 2 min read

The SpinStage Phono Pre-Amp from Andover Audio is a versatile tool designed to optimize the performance of turntable setups, particularly those utilizing Andover Audio SpinDecks. This guide provides insights into when to utilize the SpinStage and when it may not be necessary, considering its features and benefits alongside built-in phono preamps.

When to Use the SpinStage Phono Pre-Amp

  1. No Built-In Phono Pre-Amp

    • If your turntable lacks a built-in phono preamp, the SpinStage becomes essential for converting the low-level signal from the cartridge into a line-level signal that can be amplified by your audio system. This feature is particularly valuable when integrating turntables into modern home theater receivers that often do not include phono inputs.
  2. Enhancing Cartridge Performance

    • The SpinStage allows precise adjustment of impedance and capacitance to match different cartridge requirements. This optimization ensures that the cartridge performs at its best, delivering superior audio quality.
  3. Upgrading to a Moving Coil Cartridge

    • Moving coil cartridges offer superior tracking and sound accuracy due to their lightweight coils. The SpinStage accommodates these cartridges with a dedicated transconductance amplifier that enhances gain without introducing background noise, crucial for audiophiles seeking pristine sound.
  4. Achieving Low Noise Levels

    • Designed to minimize background noise, the SpinStage ensures quiet operation even at higher gains. This feature is essential for maintaining audio clarity and fidelity, particularly in critical listening environments.
  5. Andover Audio SpinDecks Integration

    • While Andover Audio SpinDecks come equipped with built-in phono preamps, the SpinStage offers a significant upgrade in sound quality and customization. It allows users to fine-tune their audio experience beyond what the built-in preamp provides, making it a valuable addition for audiophiles aiming for optimal performance.

When Not to Use the SpinStage Phono Pre-Amp

  1. Built-In Preamp Sufficiency:

    • For casual listeners or setups where the built-in preamp of the Andover Audio SpinDecks meets the desired sound quality, adding the SpinStage may not yield noticeable improvements that justify its cost.
  2. Non-Audiophile Applications

    • In environments where high-fidelity audio reproduction is not a priority, the benefits of the SpinStage, such as precise cartridge tuning and noise reduction, may not be fully appreciated.
  3. Existing High-Quality Preamps

    • If your audio system already includes a high-quality phono stage that meets or exceeds your expectations, adding the SpinStage may provide marginal benefits that do not justify the additional expense.

Conclusion The Andover Audio SpinStage Phono Pre-Amp is a versatile solution for enhancing the performance of turntables, particularly when integrated with Andover Audio SpinDecks. It excels in optimizing cartridge performance, providing phono inputs for modern receivers, and accommodating moving coil cartridges with minimal noise. However, its benefits may be less pronounced in casual listening setups or those already equipped with satisfactory preamp solutions. Use this guide to determine if the SpinStage is the right addition to elevate your audio experience with Andover Audio SpinDecks.